Monday, April 7, 2008

The Boss

We woke up at 10:30 am and our company was coming at three o'clock. We still had to cook every item on our tapas menu, clean the apartment and run to Whole Foods for all the ingredents we forgot to buy. It seemed like plenty of time and it was, especially because G does half the work. He really does. When he isn't sure what to do, he asks what he can do. When he is done with one job, he asks me what he can do next. He's the greatest partner in everything.

As he's chopping onions and I'm stirring the pasta, the water bowls over, I'm simultaneously seasoning the vegetables, lowering the burner, wiping the counter, and I speak outloud. "The floor still needs to be cleaned...the couch pillows are messy...can you go to the store to get more tortellini?"

I guess that was a loaded statement because after 4 or 5 more tri-compound statement/questions, G told me I was bossy. I didn't think so.

Still, I thought about it. He was doing everything that needed to get done to prepare for our company and the day. I felt I just needed to say what else needed to be done out loud so that one of us would do the remaining tasks. I didn't mean to be bossy.

I realized I may have come across as bossy. He lets me tell him everything that needs to be done. He gives me the option of what choices to make and how they should be done I apologized for sounding bossy.

I wonder if being bossy is something that's in me or something that he has fostered by doing everything I want and I have taken advantage. Hmmm.

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